Change Management and Activation

Analytics consulting and change management strategy for Activation

The need for brands to establish and embed analytics and real-time, data-driven decision making is clear given the potential value generated and the competitive advantage gained. However, collecting large volumes of data and implementing advanced predictive analytics alone doesn’t deliver value.

Complementing Analytics with a Change Management Plan

Realizing value requires a purposeful approach to getting the key stakeholders and users to understand, trust and adopt the new initiatives or strategies gleaned from the engagement. Gaining this level of trust requires ongoing training and transparency into the data and models, and a constant commitment through governance processes. Only with this commitment can you continuously evolve the program to address the latest business challenges, strategic and tactical questions.

Ipsos MMA’s approach to a change management strategy starts at the Discovery process and continues straight through to the Activation phase. The change management plan is guided by the partnership roadmap that is designed during the Discovery process and managed through the ongoing partnership governance model.

The Importance of Change Management

In order to take advantage of the powerful analytics solutions that are driving hundreds of millions of incremental dollars in leading organizations, companies must be committed to understanding, integrating and leveraging them on a daily basis, as well as embedding them into ongoing business processes. Only with this buy-in and adoption can brands quantify, measure and track the value of their data and analytics investments.

Being able to create “proof of value” on an ongoing basis is essential. By taking the next step and engaging an Ipsos MMA change management consultant to implement processes designed to drive cross-functional buy-in and activation, like those below, executives realize the value they expect from these programs.

  1. Gap analysis: Where are we today, where do we want to go, what is required and what should expectations and metrics for success be?
  2. Executive sponsorship and buy-in: Top-down sponsorship, leadership and engagement are essential to getting an organization to behave differently.
  3. Cross-functional participation and buy-in: Marketing, Finance, Operations and IT leaders are engaged, bought-in and are using the results to guide data-driven decision making while embedding this capability into ongoing business planning.
  4. Relevant training: Stakeholders need to be trained in a way that supports a change in behavior which requires relevant, ongoing and timely training. Vendors need cross-functional training on how the organization goes to market and operates to effectively provide this training.
  5. Governance model: A regular and two-way communication and governance process needs to be established at each key stakeholder layer aligning with appropriate stakeholder needs. It is important to hold them accountable to maintaining a regular cadence of dialogues related to the initiative, progress, gaps, innovation and marketplace changes.
  6. Value tracking: Measuring and tracking the value in terms of revenue, profits, productivity and organizational effectiveness is core to establishing long-term buy-in and adoption.


Getting Started with a Change Management Consultant

Ipsos MMA provides its clients with an end-to-end consultative process from the upfront discovery, through data collection, integration and management, modeling, implementation and testing of results. Our objective is to build organizational alignment to ultimately increase the incremental value and revenue of your marketing programs.


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