[VIDEO] Future-Proof Your Approach to Healthcare Marketing Optimization

[WEBINAR RECORDING I September 8, 2022]

Join Ben Walker, General Manager of Media and Consumer Data at HealthVerity and Doug Brooks, EVP of Strategic Client Relationships at Ipsos MMA introduce the Ipsos MMA Unified Patient & HCP Attribution model, a future-proofed approach to healthcare marketing attribution and optimization given the continuous changes in AdTech data landscape.

This privacy-compliant solution bridges disparate HIPAA-compliant datasets for media measurement, targeting, and in-flight campaign optimization.

Watch this webinar recording to:

  • Learn about the importance of future-proofing healthcare marketing data to prioritize privacy and avoid reliance on conventional digital signals;
  • Understand how the Ipsos MMA Unified Patient & HCP attribution model solves these challenges to provide in-flight tactical optimizations and activations; and
  • Explore a case study where this solution generated an incremental $74MM by enabling omnichannel campaigns to be continuously optimized across client brand and agency teams.
healthverity ipsos mma webinar

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