Empowering Organizations to Accurately Measure Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing mix modelling gives companies the ability to understand what is driving performance from an increasingly complex ecosystem of marketing levers

Understanding how each marketing tactic contributes to sales, as well as forecasting how much to spend on each future marketing investment, is an everyday challenge marketers face. However, by implementing a Marketing Mix Modelling approach, marketers can overcome these challenges with access to clear and unique insights that unlock greater value for the organisation.

Ipsos MMA is a leading marketing mix modelling company, providing best in class analytics and consulting to a wide range of global brands from our London-based European practice. Working across leading multi-nationals, including retail, luxury, consumer healthcare and consumer goods, our marketing measurement and optimization solutions provide:

  • A clear and comprehensive picture of all business drivers and their impact on marketing ROI, revenue and profit; and
  • A holistic modelling approach that focuses not only on traditional media mix, but also on operational factors (e.g., pricing, store closures etc.) and environmental factors (e.g., macroeconomic, weather etc.) ingesting a complete picture of your business.
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“Ipsos MMA understands there is no one-size-fits all solution to Unified Measurement. The Ipsos MMA team worked shoulder to shoulder with our analytics, marketing, and finance organization to develop and validate a platform that helps to address our unique needs.”

-SVP Global Restaurant Brand

marketing mix modelling case study

Download Client Case Study

Learn how a holistic marketing mix approach enhanced this brand’s ability to measure and improve marketing ROI and tie those investments back to an increase in sales.