Overcoming the 5 Challenges of MTA Marketing with Unified Marketing Measurement and Optimization

In the dynamic and evolving world of digital marketing, the way we measure its effectiveness is constantly changing. The advent of new technologies, the enforcement of global privacy regulations, and shifts in online media consumption patterns all influence our approach to evaluating the impact of digital marketing. Amidst these ongoing changes, there is a significantRead More

Unleashing the Power of Pharma Marketing Analytics for Successful Campaigns

The pharmaceutical industry is navigating an ever-changing landscape, where precision and efficiency are not just goals but necessities for success. In this realm, understanding the depth and breadth of pharma marketing analytics can transform your strategy and execution of marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to an increase in the value of that investment. As pharma companiesRead More

Navigating Media Buying in an Election Year – Key Considerations

By Lakshimi Sarju & Riya Sherchan During an election year, brands and their respective media agencies must take a thoughtful approach to their media strategies. Marketing initiatives must be aligned to fit the changing political environment. As a result, brands may need to effectively try to reach target audiences in unique ways across media. ARead More

Automotive Marketing Trends, The Role of Marketing Analytics in a Changing Industry

Written by Michael Macri The automotive industry is a capital-intensive industry layered in complexity.  From manufacturing to government regulations to wholesale distribution.  There is very little simple about it. That said, for the last century the complexities of the business were relatively stable and provided a degree of predictability.  Manufacture a product, ship it toRead More

Client Victory: When Agencies and Marketing Measurement & Optimization Partners Collaborate

This article is the first in a series of six that will discuss the client, agency, marketing measurement partner relationship. Defining the Common Goal of Agencies and Marketing Measurement and Optimization Partners Improve the performance of marketing initiatives. Succinctly, this is the goal that media agencies and marketing measurement and optimization providers have in common.Read More

AI Driven Marketing in Pharma: Unified Patient Attribution 

Unified Patient and Physician Attribution possesses a transformational capability for the pharma industry given the current challenges of pharma companies. A main challenge is the consumption model in healthcare which is complex in comparison to other industries. This complexity is also seen in the data, making it difficult to link data streams and restricting theRead More

Assessing the Impact of Turbulent Times on Pharma Marketing Management, Planning and Recovery

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the quick onset of social distancing and varied forms of shelter in place regulations impacted the pharmaceutical industry in a multitude of ways. Some of the biggest impacts seen included: all forms of personal sales activities were suspended; for all non-essential / critical therapy needs HCPs were requiring patients toRead More

Evolving your Marketing Mix Modeling Program for Recovery 2021

It’s easy to lose touch in times like these. Consumer behaviors have changed.  Some of this will be short-term while undoubtedly some changes will be longer-term. But brands will go on. Consumer preferences and loyalties will persist. How brands behave in these challenging times will  play a large role in that equation. But how  shouldRead More

Marketing Planning for a Successful 2021 While Accounting for the New Realities of COVID 19

Actioning and optimizing your commercial investments against the evolving recovery and consumer demand curve on a real-time basis  Most marketing driven organizations are working through what will effectively be two major cross-waves of planning.  The first wave is rolling in now and is all about maximizing revenue and profits for the balance of the yearRead More

A Message from Ipsos MMA CEO, Patrick Cummings regarding COVID 19 and Our Continuity Plans & Practices

We are reaching out to you as business partners to ensure that you know Ipsos MMA is taking the spread of COVID-19 extremely seriously. We are working hard to ensure that we are able to service your business while simultaneously taking all appropriate actions to protect our employees’ health and well-being. While the Coronavirus situationRead More